
Gamzee X Reader- All Those Jokes

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Gamzee X Reader
All those Jokes

Gamzee slumped on his couch and let out an annoyed sigh. How could he tell her? He had know _____ for just over 2 years now.
He wanted to tell her that he loved her, but every time he tried, it just ended up in some corny joke. Or... Something about faygo.
I mean, sure. They made _____ laugh, but that wasn't what he wanted. He wanted her to be his... And no one else's. It also didn't help that she had been hanging out with Karkat a lot lately. And it was making him jealous.
Gamzee then stood up and walked out the door. He decided that he might as well try one more time. He walked down the street, staring up at the sky. He soon reached ________'s house. He stopped, and looked at the front door. His eyes then opened with shock as he saw Karkat standing there. ______ was standing with the door open, and Karkat was right outside it. Gamzee quickly moved to where he was hidden  behind a bush, but could hear what they were saying. Karkat looked down at his feet, and he was blushing. _______ just looked at him very confused. "_______.... I-I.... I LOVE YOU!" He said, blushing even more as he said it.
It was now _______'s turn to look down at her feet and blush. She then looked up at Karkat. "Oh Karkat.... I'm sorry but... I love someone else." She said with a gentle tone in her voice. Karkat looked heart broken. Gamzee scrambled out of ______'s yard quickly. Then Karkat walked down the driveway.
He then spotted Gamzee and walked over to him. "YOU BETTER TREAT HER PRETTY FUCKIN WELL ASS." He said, and then walked away. Gamzee looked at him, dumbstruck, and then walked up to ________'s door. He took a deep breath and knocked.
_______ opened the door and looked up at Gamzee. She smiled at him. "Oh hi Gamzee! I didn't expect you to come over!" She chirped happily.
"Um CaN i Um CoMe In?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah sure!" _____ said, and moved aside, letting him come in, and closing the door behind him. He walked over to her couch, and sat down. He took a deep breath.
"OkAy _______ YoU kNoW aLl ThOsE rEaLlY wEiRd JoKeS i'Ve BeEn TeLlIng?" _________ just nodded. "WeLl.... ThEy WeReN't SuPoSeD tO bE jOkEs. ThEy WeRe Me TrYiNg To TeLl YoU... I lOvE yOu ________"  
He look up at her with a very serious face. It scared _________ a little, but she smiled, and hugged Gamzee tightly. "I love you to Gamzee... And I have for a while."
Gamzee looked down at her and smiled, a light blush coming across his cheeks, he then wrapped his arm around her, and kissed her on the forehead.
*sniffle* I TRIED GUYS! I REALLY DID TRY! I failed epicly though.... This was my first anything X reader (that you all know of...) and it's so short.... and failish.... Also, i can't even decide if it's Human Gamzee, or Troll Gamzee.... AND HE WAS SO FREAKIN OCC. IM SORRY. and it was so fudgin hard to WrItE lIkE tHiS. SERIOUSLY. WHY CAN'T GAMZEE'S TYPING BE EASY LIKE ALL THE OTHERS?!?!?!?! anyways.... yeah..... hope you enjoyed my fail....

Gamzee and Karkat (c) Andrew Hussie
Story and Idea (c) Me
© 2012 - 2024 saturdayprince
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